Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Dangers of Fidget Spinners

The latest must-have craze sweeping schools is fidget spinners - a useless device made with ball-bearings that allows it to spin, seemingly endlessly, while you hold it between your fingers. If you have young children, chances are they own one - or two - or if not, they are pestering you to get them one.

However, simply because these devices are wildly popular doesn't necessarily mean they are safe. World Against Toys Causing Harm (W.A.T.C.H) issued a safety warning in an attempt to have parents reconsider purchasing a fidget spinner for their child. W.A.T.C.H even went as far as ranking fidget spinners the number one dangerous toy for children. 

W.A.T.C.H claims that fidget spinners pose a threat to a child’s safety when the fidget spinner is disassembled. If a child was to loosen the bushing, the metal part of the spinner, the child could easily the metal piece into their mouth and choke. 

If you are currently thinking to yourself that this assumption is ridiculous, don’t - as this has already been the case for several children. 

A 10-year-old Texan recently had the bushing stuck in her esophagus and was forced to undergo endoscopic surgery to remove it. 

A 5-year-old Oregonian endured the same fate and, similarly, was forced to undergo surgery to have the bushing removed. 

Use common sense when allowing your children to have one. If your child is too young to use them safely, you may be better off waiting for the next craze. After all, like any craze, this one is not likely to last too long.

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